Last updated on 29 July, 2009.
- Prof.G.G.N.Angilella
Universita di Catania, Italy
- Dr.K.Aoki
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan
- Dr.V.Brazhkin
Institute of High
Pressure Physics, Troitsk, Russia
- Prof.G.Demazeau
CNRS, University of Bordeaux, France
- Dr.S.Filipek
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Poland
- Dr.S.Gupta
Bhabha Atomic Research Center, India
- Prof.K.Heremans
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- Prof.D.Hochheimer
Colorado State University, USA
- Prof.T.Irifune
Ehime University, Japan
- Dr.C.Jin
Institute of Physics, P.R.China
- Prof.G.Laurenczy
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Prof.S.K.Lee
Seoul National University, Korea
- Prof.W.J.Nellis
Harvard University, USA
- Prof.M.Nicol
University of Nevada, USA
- Prof.R.Pucci
Universita di Catania, Italy
- Prof.F.Rodriguez
Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
- Prof.S.S.Saxena
University of Cambridge, UK
- Prof.J.S.Schilling
Washington University, USA
- Prof.A.Soldatov
Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
- Prof.V.L.Solozhenko
CNRS, Universite Paris Nord, France
- Prof.J.S.Tse
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
- Prof.T.Cui
Jilin University, P.R.China
- Prof.R.Winter
Dortmund University of Technology, Germany